Kohler Architects, Inc. provides a complete architectural service from project concept to the completion of construction. These services include


Beginning with our initial consultation where client goals, objectives, and hopes for the project are established, our comprehensive, total design effort provides management of all aspects of the architectural effort, including:

Site issues soils, topography, boundaries, placement.

Design studies floor plans, elevations, neighborhood factors, massing.

Coordination with other project professionalswork with civil, geotechnical, and structural engineers, energy consultants, and landscaping, interior design, lighting, and other professional services.

Final design materials, appliances, fixtures, cabinets, options, etc.


We prepare all necessary construction documents, which may include: site plans, grading and drainage plans, pollution prevention sheets, dewatering plans, flood zone-related sheets, tree protection measures, city standards, Title 24 analysis, existing conditions/demolition plans, dimensioned floor plans, various schedules, floor area work sheet, reflected ceiling plan, exterior elevations, architectural details, building cross sections, roof plan, various code-related calculations, electrical plan, mechanical/plumbing plan, interior elevations (all rooms and cabinets), foundation plans, framing plans, structural detail sheets, and specifications.  There is a lot to consider … our expertise and experience enables us to get it right!


Our services include the public design review and approval process – which can vary from community to community. 

Public approvals attend public meetings, submit plans and obtain governing agency approvals and required permits plus any special considerations.

Roger Kohler’s service as a member and three time chair of Palo Alto’s Historic Resources Board, has given us a special understanding of and expertise in the public approval process that makes your process easier and more assured of success.


Coordination with contractor meet with contractor to review all plans, observe construction.

Our involvement in the project from start to finish helps assure that construction will be faithful to the design.