The exceptional professional capabilities of Kohler Architects are demonstrated and proven by the many successful projects completed by the firm since its founding in 1981 — projects that include hundreds of individual new homes and numerous remodeling projects, together with historic preservation and retail/commercial projects. We are proud of the fact that our professional capabilities and leadership have been recognized by our peers in many ways beyond our successful projects — by our peers in the architectural profession and by the communities we serve.
Examples include:
2023 … Houzz® the leading platform for home remodeling, and design — representing more than 3 million active home building, remodeling, and design industry professionals — honored Kohler Architects with its prestigious and widely recognized 2023 “Best of Houzz” award for Customer Service — an award based on Kohler’s ‘Commitment to Excellence.’

2022 … Palo Alto Stanford Heritage recognized Roger Kohler with its presitgious Lifetime Achievement Award for his 26 years of leadership and service on the Palo Alto Historic Resouces Board where he was a major contributor to the preservation of Palo Alto’s architctural

2021 … recognition as a leading Peninsula family business … Punch, a design magazine serving the Peninsula did a feature story recognizing Kohler Architects as a very successful family business in the design field.

1994 — 2021 … a community leader in architecture …… recognizing his strong professional expertise, the City of Palo Alto made Roger Kohler the longest-serving member of its Historic Resources Board. He was elected Chair three times.

2018 … Kohler’s design innovataion was recognized by a Wall Street Journal feature article about their recently built ‘reverse floorplan’ home with subterranean bedrooms and family room that fit a five bedroom home on a small Palo Alto lot … creating a ‘Soho’ vibe.

… Roger’s community participation and leadership have been on-going, while the success and professional leadership of Kohler Architects is recognized by both clients and the media, which often turns to him for information in stories about architectural trends.

2012 … Kohler Architects was recognized by the Palo Alto Stanford Heritage for the successful rehabilitation of an 1894 Category 4 Palo Alto home.

2015 & 2012 … This Kohler Architects-designed home was featured in This Old House Magazine in 2015 and 2012 … in 2012 on the cover.
2006 … Roger Kohler has been recognized by the American Institute of Architects for his service to the community.

2006 … Two Kohler Architects-designed homes were featured in the Spring, 2006 edition of the Palo Alto Weekly’s Real Estate section.
2004 … Interviewed by KPIX Channel 5 to comment as Historic Resources Board Chair on issue related to the preservation of the historic garage where Hewlett-Packard was founded.

2005 … Roger Kohler led a design charette to develop ideas for the redevelopment from commercial to residential of a key Palo Alto neighborhood.
2004 … This Kohler Architects interior design was the cover story featured in the Spring edition of this special insert to the Palo Alto Weekly and associated papers.

1999-2000 … As Palo Alto Historic Resources Board Chair, Roger Kohler led walking tours of historic homes … ‘Re-use Success Stories’ (1999) and ‘The Historic Fabric of Our Streets’ (2000).
1997 … As an active member of the Historic Resources Board, Roger Kohler has been a leader in protecting Palo Alto’s legacy of historic homes.

Over the years, the work of Kohler Architects has frequently been noted by the press, including: integration of a large oak tree with a two-story atrium, a cover story about improvements through remodeling, a cover story about a 10 unit housing development in Palo Alto, and how a creative addition added value to a home.